Deerfield Info
History of Deerfield Manor and Williamsburg Woods
The original Deerfield Manor acreage was farmland owned by the Houston family for several generations.
The farmhouse faced Boyce Road and was located just above the present entrance to Thorntree Drive.
The house was a typical two-story frame farmhouse that had not been maintained and was in such poor condition that it was advisable to have it taken down. Some of the lumber was used to frame the present Deerfield Office.
Prior to Becker's purchase, the ground had been rented to a group called the Dormont-Mt. Lebanon Sportman's Club.
They erected a clubhouse located at the present location of Redfern Drive, opposite Morton Road, with trails through the woods with archery, pistol, and rifle target areas
The Beckers acquired the ground in 1956 and on several trips to see the property, there always seemed to be quite a few deer in the area; hence the appropriate name for the planned development: Deerfield Manor.
The first streets to be developed in 1956 and 1957 were Thorntree Drive, Cedarvue Drive, Fairgreen Drive and Pinetree Drive from Thorntree to Fairgreen. This group of lots was called Deerfield Manor Plan No. 1. The newest of lots is Deerfield Manor Plan No. 7. The first house was sold in Plan No. 1 in November 1957.
James W. Stewart developed Williamsburg Woods approximately in 1965. It consisted of 18 lots on Pinetree Drive near Circle Drive and was distinguished by the gas lights in front of the homes.
In 1980, William E. Thomas purchased land on Gloucester Drive and Airy Hill Drive (now known as Williamsburg Circle) and finished development of that area.
In 2008, Bill and Jeff Thomas purchased 70 undeveloped acres and 22 buildable lots in and around Deerfield Manor. They are currently extending the neighborhood along Turnberry Lane and Redfern Drive.
Deerfield Covenants & Bylaws
When residents purchase a lot and build a home in Deerfield Manor or buy an existing home, they are bound by certain restrictions called covenants and bylaws. To view these in full, please click the following links:
The covenants include but are not limited to the following....
- No noxious or offensive trade shall be carried on upon the property nor shall anything be done thereon which may be or become an annoyance to the neighborhood.
- Outside buildings or structures, fences, gates, and walls, temporary or permanent, may not be erected without written permission from Thomas Builders (who have assumed the position of the original builder in the covenants).
- Every home in Deerfield Manor has a square footage requirement for each floor depending on the appropriate covenant. Please consult your specific covenant.
- Habitual parking of commercial vehicles, boats, or trailers near the homes is prohibited.
- No poplar or willow trees may be planted on any lot.
- All garbage and rubbish cans must remain inside or be placed underground.
- Clothes hung outdoors for airing or drying must be taken indoors by 4:30 PM on any day except Sunday, when no clothes or linens of any description may be hung outdoors.
- No above ground pools may be erected.
- No livestock, pigeons, chickens or other fowl shall be kept on the premises.
- All driveways and automobile turn table areas must be paved with an approved paving material.
- The installation of any type of above ground equipment to send or receive radio or television signals is prohibited in the front yard and side yards of all lots. Side yards shall be calculated from the left side of the dwelling to the left property line and from the right side to the right side property line for the entire depth of the lot. Front yard is the entire area from the front property line to the front of the residence.
Joining the Deerfield HOA
Deerfield residents are encouraged to join the Deerfield Manor Homeowners' Association. Your membership allows you to participate in a variety of neighborhood activities, and includes access to our online membership directory and one set of (12) luminaria for the holiday season. Activities sponsored by the Association include the following:
- Neighborhood improvement projects (e.g., the Deerfield Manor sign and landscaping)
- Spring street cleanup (with a clean-up prize for kids)
- Easter Egg Hunt
- Summer Deermingo (Friday happy hours)
- Coordination and advertising for Neighborhood Garage Sale
- Annual Block Party
- Adult Social (in the fall)
- Secret Santa for neighborhood children
- Annual Meeting with topical speakers
The Deerfield Manor Homeowners' Association also provides information of interest to the neighborhood through email alerts and flyers throughout the year.
** If you are not already a member, please click the REGISTER link in the top right corner of the website to join!
Also, serving on the Association Board of Directors is a great way to meet neighbors and to give back to our wonderful neighborhood. Please consider serving as a street representative or officer! If you are interested, please contact the President or your street representative.