News Articles

Posted on Apr 1st, 2024

  • A safety assessment was requested on behalf of the neighborhood and completed over the summer by the township. Anything on private property that was determined to be blocking views of traffic was noted and the owners have been notified by a code enforcement officer. 
  • A crossing walk has been approved for Millwood/Boyce. The project is being put out to bid November 5.  We should have an approximate date once a bid is selected.    
  • Upper St. Clair is in the process of developing a comprehensive plan for our next 10 years.  We distributed their survey to the neighborhood in June, and we attended one of their focus group meetings to represent our neighborhood. There will be more opportunity for feedback in the future, and we will communicate the date of these meetings for anyone who would like to attend. 
  • We are in the process of replacing the sign on Millwood/Boyce road.  This will be in the same style as the previous sign and the two on the corners of Thorntree/Boyce and Turnberry/Circle. 
Commissioner Meeting Updates:
  • Approvals for the Morton Fields Complex included $900,000 for lighting and $2.8M for synthetic turf and fencing.  More details about the Morton project can be found here
  • Approval of $384,000 for renovations of the Tri-Community South Facility.  South Park and Bethel Park have already approved their shares.
  • The Commissioners approved the 2025-29 Capital Improvement Program. This program projects the costs of various capital improvements expected over the next five years. See Exhibit A
  • Note that the Board’s approval of the overall program does not mean that the various individual expenditures are approved; those will be debated and approved in the annual budget process.
  • Sanitary sewer projects are anticipated to be large-dollar expenditures in 2025, especially in the Brush Run Watershed, where we live. Expect to see sewer crews on the streets in 2025, installing plastic liners in sanitary sewer mains under our streets.
  • The Commissioners hired a consulting firm to review the operations of the Community & Recreation Center.  You can review their report here.
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